The Story of my In-Laws visit continues...The very bright side of having Ibu (my mom-in-law) around is dear hubby willing to sacrifice his working weekend slot to go about the town. Ahaha... (senang mode-on). And he happily suggested that we go to the Jungle to have some splash of fun.. Gubraks. It's still fresh in my mind, kejadian beberapa bulan lalu. Kita pernah muter2 kota Bogor berkali2 gara2 cari tu tempat dan end up gak nemu. Padahal gak kurang2 kita nanya ke berbagai jenis orang: dari mulai mamang tk dagang pinggir jalan (whom we thought the best person karena punya knowledge kalo rumahnya Pak Maman ada di pojokan dan rumah Pak Eman ada di deket pos ronda), pak polisi lalu lintas, orang yang lagi nongkrong di pinggir jalan...simply anybody we met. Mungkin waktu itu emang blom jatahnya maen ke sana ya ^_^ (menenangkan diri sendiri yang sebenernya berasa bego banget gak bisa bantuin nemu tu tempat).
This time around, kita googling lagi, catet2 patokan jalannya... We 're pretty much surprised for the place was very easy to find, glekh... knapa waktu itu pada rabun semua ya?! Anyways, to me the place was awesome. If I were a kid, it was probably my dreamland. No I couldn't swim..but the lazy river there superb. I had Gaizka on my lap and just follow the stream and enjoy the aquarium along the way. Both of us loved it!! The pools are quite nice. Gaizka especially adore the one which has tunnels. Other than the water arena, they have other things: horse riding, merry go round, 4D theater, birds park, some outbound activities like flying fox, etc. Enough varieties that you'd hardly able to try everything in just one visit. F&B is also something not to be worried about. Almost forgot... I notice one thing quite distinctive compared to our beloved Depok Fantasi Waterpark...its their Life Guard, the orange-uniformed guys, who are actually WORKING!!! They don't just stand and watch. They actually tell people to be careful and keep an eye on scums who'd just littering around or endangering other people. Hopefully they're always like that ya...
We spent half day there...Gaizka refused to be pulled put of water but we had to go...secara kulit Gaizka udah sampe keriput2 gitu. Beruntung juga karena jam 3an turun hujan. Valid and enough reason to make us stop. Sebelum pulang, hasrat hati pengen makan yang anget2 dulu deh di Mister Baso. But my opinion, tempat itu gak biasa nerima banyak orang, abisnya sore itu tempatnya penuh banget. Akibatnya, pelayanannya lama, yang di-deliver salah2, dan sempat reject order karena mangkoknya abis belom dicuci. My oh my.... Untungnya rasa masakannya lumayan, ehm... gak yakin kalo bener2 enak juga sih, takutnya lidah ketipu gara2 kelaperan hehehe...
Bottom line, kita had fun dan berencana untuk datang lagi dalam waktu dekat. Dengan cost yang beda 10rb/person, kita dapat wahana lebih banyak daripada yang di Depok :) So, holiday was okay banget....
Sayangnya libur taun barunya bakal diisi dengan closing year end. Target management result keluar tgl 4 Januari jam 12siang!!!'s Monday after Holiday... So, mau gak mau harus kerja during the weekend nih.. Gpp...tgl 31-nya pulang cepet ajah ^_^
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