Weekend story
Tahun lalu, the three of us pergi ke Padang-Bukittinggi sambil ngelewatin kota2 lainnya. It was our first official family vacation. It was an awesome trip. I always linger to the fine memories I had during those 5 days.Belajar dari pengalaman itu, tahun ini, we were, or lebih cocok kalo bilang i was planning for another family vacation. Menyadari kalo carrying si little bubba kali ini lebih berat daripada waktu Gaizka dulu, i was planning to visit somewhere nearer, tapi belom pernah kita datangin bareng Gaiz, yaitu Bandung. Everything was more or less fixed, sampe 2 weeks ago I started having false contraction karena kecapekan main sama Gaiz seharian penuh. Dengan kecewa, we have to drop the Bandung option karena rasanya gak mungkin cuma pergi bertiga (plus little bubba) ke Bandung for 2 nights. Aku bakal kecapekan abiisss...
But we owe it to Gaizka.. So last Friday, aku sama ayah tetep cuti. We decided to explore Taman Safari dan daerah Puncak. Yaaayyyy...happy... Soalnya si aygan emang udah bilang its a big no no for him to drive to Puncak on weekends, so it was just the right choice. We started off a bit late, but since it's still weekdays, traffic is very friendly.
I've never been to Taman Safari my whole life :) Jadi bisa dibilang semua anggota keluarga sama excited-nya dan sama2 terhibur. Binatang2nya cukup gendut2 (gak seperti yg di Ragunan), tempat hidup mereka dibuat dengan lebih niat alias lebih mirip habitat aslinya, tempat bermain dan other showsnya cukup menarik, dan kita juga gak keganggu sama musik2an kaya kalo di Ragunan. Haduuuh maaf benchmarknya cuma Ragunan ehehe. Tapi to be honest, kalo mau dibandingin sama night safari ato zoo yang ada di Singapore pun, Taman Safari lumayan bersaing kok... Yaah secara HTMnya juga beda jauh... Yang cukup mengherankan adalah ngelihat betapa banyaknya orang Timur Tengah yang datang berwisata ke sana. Baru tau deh kalo Puncak is quite famous for Middle Eastern tourists.
Habis dari Taman Safari, off we go to Cipanas for a nice lunch. At first bingung juga whether to have sate di warung sate Shinta ato Ayam goreng Cipanas. Kita akhirnya went for the second option. It's not dissapointing at all, but I was left with curiosity over the satay. Bumil ini rasanya bisa makan semua yang ada di atas meja deh :p
After lunch, lady of the house is ready for the most exciting part of the trip: Shopping!! Initially Gatot wanted to show me deBrasco. But I visited their outlet in Cilandak and i thought the one in Jakarta should be better, so we stopped at dse instead. My oh my.... i have no regret at all. In fact, i'm telling gatot that next time i want him to take me back there. The items are just so off the season. But if you find time to look through their special price items, it's feels like a treasure hunt ^_^ It's value for money if you're looking for some basic stuff that lasts for seasons like simple trousers/ skirts/ blouses. My findings includes basic black skirt for just Rp28k and basic maternity trousers for Rp40k. Haaaaa...sooo happy!!!
Journey didn't stop there of course... On our way down, we stopped at Cimory resto. Too bad, we felt full so we didn't got the chance to eat there. Just bought some yoghurt & fresh milk for the boys. Next time, we'll definitely coming back ^_^ karena ternyata ada tempat bermain untuk anak2 dan bisa lihat sapinya juga hehehehe
All in all, it was another great vacation. Too bad there's not much time and so many interesting place to visit (even Gaizka fell assleep before we reached home). But it's just felt nice dedicating time for people you care about. Jadi pengen libur dan jalan2 terusss :p
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