Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting busy...

"Through life we have to continuously growing/improving and learning..."

In that same spirit, I have been busy in my kitchen (cuz focusing on work will just drive me nuts, haha..). Tried some interesting recipes I got in the web.

This has somehow bring new joy, like getting new toys :)
So far, I've tried making brownies & muffin. The brownies turned out easy & good, while muffin is still a struggle. I totally ruin 1 muffin batch and only manage to get to "edible" stage for the 2nd batch :p Tapi tetap senang lho... Wanted to take good pics and posted them, but have no guts :D

Anyway, the promise I made to myself was to at least bake 1 recipe on weekend. Biar senang teruuus :)


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