Monday, April 09, 2007

I'm home

"Everything looks good in the end." That's the way I'll write it if I have to put my 1 year experience in Singapore in 1 sentence.

Mixed feeling; a sense relief, worry, and sad, ruled me altogether when I had to bring my 55kgs luggage plus my big fat ass back home on the 26th of March 2007. Ugh.... how I hate goodbyes!!

Now, here I am... back home... is it really home? haha now I'm asking myself that question again... weird huh?! I'm not exactly where I wish I were. But then again I live with whatever things that's given to me, trying very hard to be thankful. Yes, I'm here to learn.... AGAIN ^_^ new place, new business, new office mates, new challenges.

My office is in Kemang now. Good place to eat!! Good place to hang out!! Yet, I'm still working hard to be able to say that this is a good place to work too hehehe. Distinct difference with Singapore is that getting to office is such a struggle for me. I don't mind the transjakarta ride to blok M, it's cozy anyway... But the 605A from blok M to Kemang is so shitty!! I'm squeezed, soaking wet in sweat, and just have to cling to whatever thing I can grab to keep myself standing steadily. Aarrrrrghhhh how come public transportation in this country sucks???

Yeah...this is Indonesia...


At 11:09 PM , Blogger syulie said...

welcome back mba ira hehe... kemarin itu aku ada sms tapi gak tau nyampe atau gak... email2 aku ya.. sapa tau kita bisa hang out kalo gak sibuk...

At 6:13 PM , Blogger Ira said...

Mbak Syulie, no hp-ku tetap sama lho. coba kirim sms lagi ya... tentu aja kita harus hang out bareng sebelum dirimu balik ke melb lagi. kabar2i ya...

At 5:14 PM , Blogger Gatoso said...

Welcome home hun! I wish I were there hun >.<

At 11:24 PM , Blogger syulie said...

Ra... maksudnya no hp masih sama sama yang mana nih? yang di sgp? aku dah dapet juga nomor kamu dari gatot... tapi koq kayanya gak nyampe ya di sms... soalnya gak ada balesan hehe...

email2 aku ya... btw, nomor hp aussieku juga masih aktif koq... sms ya...


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