Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another sad story

Few weeks back I dreamt about it (couldn't understand why). Yesterday I finally had it (didn't know how to deal with it). So perplex... Full disbelief... Aarrgghh...

Anyways I had another sad story. It actually doesn't belong to me, it's a friend's. She gave birth last Tuesday, but her little girl passed away just two hours afterwards. Being a mother myself, am almost certain it was one of the hardest things she had to deal with.

As I visited her at the hospital, I wanted to console her and said that it was the best for her daughter. It's all good that she doesn't have to go through pain that life may offer. She doesn't need to see how time change wonderful people to evil. But of course I couldn't let that last one out. Losing your child and think of it as the best for her was just beyond... So I kept it to myself. My deepest sympathy goes out to her and family.

When I got home, I rushed to Gaizka's room, kissed his chubby cheeks dozen times and thanked God that I had him, the best gift He had given me... (so far ^_^)

ps: monthend at the corner of the week, new method of allocating exchange rate diff. starting April, corporate audit and SOX bugging me like hell, while actually am in the mood of shopping, ...killing me...

Just finished an old book by Chitra Divakaruni titled "Vine of Desire". It's not my kind of book, really (no wonder it took me years to finish it). But I had James Patterson's "6th Target" with me now *biggest grin*. Just started last night on the train and now am already half way to the end. I must try reading it slower...sigh... love JP love JP love JP.....


At 11:05 AM , Blogger Ria said...

Remembering her pregnancy history, i think it's best for her baby... Dunno... But Allah knows best :)
SEMANGAT ya, ra! I know u, semakin ditantang akan makin "keluar" ;p. Can do lah...

At 6:41 PM , Blogger Ira said...

iya... tapi tampaknya she's hanging on... ayo ria, kapan afkar punya dedek ni :p


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