Weaning Gaizka
I've always wondered when I should quit nursing Gaizka. Now, after 22 wonderful months having him completely attached to me, I guess the time has come... With the help of my mum, we started weaning Gaizka last Friday, meaning Thursday nite was his last "nenen" time hehe...Beyond expectations, Gaizka has been very cooperative through the process. First, we ensure his tummy's full before going to bed, to avoid his waking because of thirst. We also didn't go up to his room until we're sure he's really sleepy. Then, when rocking him to sleep, I told him stories of the things he loves: of trucks, cars, animals in the farm, moon, stars. The first night, he woke up seeking for comfort at 00.30 AM and would only get back to sleep on my lap around 04.00 AM after no more than 10 mins of crying and few episodes of Finley, the Fire Engine.The second night, we kept previous night's rituals. Gaizka woke up at 03.30 AM, without crying, but he would only get back to sleep after I carried and rocked him outside the house. He said he wanted to see the moon hahahaha... Last night, the third night, he wouldn't go upstairs to sleep. He asked me to cary him outside. So he fell assleep after looking at the stars and after I have no more stories to tell about trucks hehe... And guess what...he only woke up at 5.15 in the morning!! He instantly asked me to nurse him, but only smiled when he looked at my yellowish nipples covered with curcuma flakes. Haha...anak pintar....I hope the weaning process ends soon. Though deep down inside, I feel that something's missing. My mum and Gatot kept telling me "dasar emang doyan..." hahaha...
By the Window
is it the gift from timetime that has visited me once and once only...for what has come will forever be goneif that is so, it certainly perplex meit has polished me inside outsomehow...but i may not recognise it time to timefor i cannot seem to find reasons whyit is another journey of enlightment i seekto understand vision in the mirrorfor i will seek until i find....
Patience has never been my trait. It sometimes works for my benefit, but most of the times it pissed the hell out of people around me ^_^I am continuously trying to become a person with one. But I guess that wud take quite sometime, huh?!(Been complaining a lot about "tukang", who've been helping us with our house renovation and in return Gatot complained that I was such a bugger hahahaha......) Oya, been blogwalking 'round hot blogs, they are all on foods and food photography. (yumm...yumm... ) All are very nice and since we are having long weekend anyway, I'm inspired to visit my rotten kitchen once again hehe...
Senaaang... pengecatan di lt.2 berhasil dengan sukses. Sekarang, kamar GZ biru abis... gitu juga kamarku (tadinya mau ungu tapi takut terlalu feminin dan diprotes ayahnya GZ). Smentara di tengah aku kasih ijo biar suegeeerrr...Sekarang tinggal nunggu hasil pengecatan depan. Berhasil gak ya aku mengabu2kan penampakan rumah kami sesuai cita2 ayahnya GZ. Jadi gak sabar pengen pulang ni...*wink-wink*Gawat emang... pemasangan rangka atap baja ringan udah jadi setan yang memicu keinginanku mempercantik rumah dan menguras kantong sampe koin terakhir hehehe... Lha ini yang seharusnya udah beres, aku malah jadi sibuk milih2 warna cat, mupeng pergi Index, sibuk bayang2in tempat di belakang enaknya diapain. Makin hari makin kronis...Anyways, kemarin pulang kantor aku bikin fish nugget buat Gaizka, buat ngakalin dia yg gak mau makan lauk selain bakso, telor, tahu, tempe. Tiap ketemu ayam ato daging yang perlu effort ngunyah dia pasti bilang "keyaaasss..." (alias keras). Tadi pagi sih dia mau makan nugget-nya walopun menurutku masih agak kekerasan (makluuuum, jarang masuk dapur, bikin makanan baru pula, tapi masaknya gak liat resep). Yaaah bisa jadi alternatif deh... besok2 bisa bikin chicken nugget, prawn nugget, dll hehehe