Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quality of Life

Got a new boss last month. Well, I've written something on that I guess.

What I haven't posted was how he turned out to be rather inspiring. Talking 'bout our purpose in working and all. Well, it's been concerning me too, really...

For the past few weeks, Gaizka has been ultimately clingy. It's always hard to leave for office, because he would scream "Unda umah aja.... Gak mau ejaaa" (Bunda di rumah aja, gak mau kerja...). He needs me... perhaps he's in utter need of my affection and attention. Jeez, makes me sad.

But what boss said really hit me. He said that whatever I, -and all working women- do now is simply because of one simple reason: improving our household's quality of life. And since I mentioned household, it includes little Gaizka...

What he said was not rocket-science but it was just well-said and on the right moment... Thanks Pak, sincerely...

Now, I guess it's time for me to do my best, so things are in place and I can be home earlier for the apple of my eyes ^_^

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hot News!

Nia Ramadhani was formally proposed by Ardhi Bakrie
Yenny Wahid getting married to a politician

Heck...gak ngaruh buatku hehehehe

Yang ngaruh adalah Gaizka's new haircut. Damn cool boooww....
Last weekend we took him to Kiddycut @ Margo City, got his hair "Skinned" at the sides and "Mohawk-ish" at the top. Weeew whatta handsome boy indeed ^_^ (will post his latest pic soonest. update: pic already uploaded)

Am also looking forward to his upcoming birthday, cuz I already got confirmation from mbak Niken @coklatchic that she will do Gaizka's b'day cake. Though we're not celebrating it, I ordered Finley & Isabel cake for the fun of it. Can't wait to see how Gz's would respond to it :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Busy Bee

Agak lama "malas" jalan2 ke mari...
September was tough:

- New Boss's in da house... younger, cuter, but also smarter. So there goes Ira panting, trying as much to meet his requirements
- Gts' starting on his new role, meaning more boring weekends ahead, cuz he'll be busy most of the time, including sundays.
- Lebaran holiday... me taking care of Gz from the time he wakes up til he goes back to sleep. This is physical and mental, man!

Now, October is only half gone, but surely time flies pretty fast. No joke.... Especially with Gz being hospitalized for 5 days. He got broncho pneumoni, hiks. Thank God he has fully recovered now. Jangan sakit lagi ya, nak... Can't bear the thought of him being IV-ed and forced to have medicines.

After this I need to start preparing for his upcoming birthday party. It's just a small one, but still lots of nitty gritty to be sort out.