Monday, June 25, 2007


Located at 1936meters above sea level, UTKL's International Learning Center in Kericho, Kenya amazed me not just because its beautiful contours and chilling weather, but also its nice people. I must say that seeing the real things in front of me really changed my mind. Africa is a fantastic place, errrr...I must say Kenya (I haven't been to other places, not for now anyway). No wonder Angelina Jolie fell in love with this continent ^_^

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Guess I'm such a lucky girl, to have the opportunity visiting a place I never thought of. Kericho is a small town in southwestern Kenya, hometown of Kenya's largest tea industry. So, wherever you cast your view, there will be tea estates. It's a wonderful view really...

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Unfortunately I was only there for few days. So, I was unable to really explore Kericho's original food and culture. I was forced to be grateful being stuck in the learning centre with boring-non-spicy western food and some finance stuff hehehe....Even then, the last night's dinner was a good experience. Though the food's just okay, overall ambience, including the dance circling the fire in some traditional Masai cloth, was terrific. Other than that, the safari to Lake Nakuru was also good. There, I saw biggest flock of Flamingos living around the lake. It was too many of them, that if you see from a far, it seems that the lake was surrounded by pinkish shade ('s the flamingos). Awesome!!!! Love it so much!!

Hopefully I can go back there someday ... Have a real safari with Gatoso perhaps?! haha who knows...

Friday, June 08, 2007

Indro Sakit

It's time like this that's killing me...
I should've been there, prepare you a cup of soup, turn the heater on, and make sure you drink lots of water, shouldn't I?.
Is your blanket warm enough?
Do you have your socks on?
Does any of your muscle ache?
Do you want your favorite heated herbal pillow?

I can only wish I was there

Get well soon, rise and shine again my sunshine...

Buat Pak Atmo & Pak Satpam

Kemarin aku ke Head Office, ada acara ngobrol2 sama orang pentingnya region bareng temen2. Ughhh jadi nostalgia sama semua kehebohan yang biasa aku alami di bareng Corporate team dan Finance Accounting team dulu ^_^ Sowan sama mantan boss, ngerumpi sama sesama krucil2 tukang bikin onar.... Hiks...I'm loving it!!

Tapi bukan itu yang mengagetkan, yang bikin aku tergubrak-gubrak adalah perhatian yang aku dapat dari orang2 yang kadang aku "kecilkan" keberadaannya. Gak nyangka aja, Pak Atmo OB lt 8 masih inget sama aku. Padahal terakhir kali aku satu lantai sama dia adl thn 2004, setelah itupun aku sempet "menghilang" ke Singapur 1 tahun. Luar biasanya, Pak Atmo masih inget sama aku!! Trus pas pulang, Pak Satpam yang sayangnya engga aku kenal namanya juga negur aku, nanyain kenapa kok baru keliatan. Waahhhh surprise!!!! Bener2 engga nyangka seorang Ira ternyata diperhatikan juga lho hehehehe....I feel like everybody belongs to a big family. Jadi, walopun sempet gak beredar, orang2 tetep baik dan inget kita. Tersentuuuhhhh.... Masih ada juga orang2 begini di tengah egoisnya Jakarta :)