Monday, June 28, 2010

Cut it out!

I like watching infotainment. I know it's no use and a complete waste of time, but when i only have few minutes turn between cartoon TV shows and Bob the Builder cds, it's the simplest show to watch and i won't regret to give it up for my son :) At least thats me...

But for the last few days, i've lost appetite on it. Simply because I smell something fishy about "news" on that porn video of some renowned celebrities (the cool vocalist/songwriter with God-knows-how-many-person-there-are). Yes, it's the hottest news everywhere in the country (or in the region too?!) and you'd want to know progress of the case. And speaking of moral we can say it's totally unacceptable (God forbid this from hapenning to my fam!!!) 

Yet, in my opinion, everything's became too much when people in certain areas started banning the involved celebs in their region, conducting demonstration (a complete waste of time, unless somebody paid them). Moreover, when the celebs were arrested (helloww...what happened sama pelaku bandung lautan asmara atow yg anggota DPR ituh...)  

Well, am not taking sides... and definitely not trying to define black and white. I'm just trying to make a little sense. Like I said, what they did was beyond acceptable. But hey... none of the girls reported the guy, somehow they even seemed to be enjoying it too... To me, the published video had become a punishment as well (can't imagine how embarrassed they are, unless they don't have sense anymore).

Then again, Indonesian can have this tendency for exaggeration sometimes. For me, I'll still enjoy the guy's music cuz it's good and I don't mind seeing the girls on tv or mags cuz they're nice to the eyes hehehe... (should i say as long as they're on full clothes nyahahaha)

Monday, June 14, 2010

About Gaizka

Something funny terjadi pagi tadi. Karena ini adalah hari Senin, I woke up slightly early to prepare things. Aku tinggalin Gaizka di kamarnya. Baruuuuu aja berhasil beresin mainannya sedikit, tiba2 ada suara nangis keras dari atas "Bundaaaa....Bunda Iraaa...." Wuih, secepat kilat si emak balik ke kamar ananda tercinta just to find his eldest son on the floor, terlentang dengan bantal gede punya utinya di atas badannya. Walaahhh ternyata dia jatuh dari kasur...padahal udah dihalang2in pake bantal gede lho nak...

Aku cek kepalanya, fiuuhh ternyata gak kenapa2... Tapi dia masih nangis karena kaget dan  bete "terpaksa" bangun dari tidurnya. Pas lagi aku pangku, kok berasa basah juga pantatnya... Aku cek ke kasur, halah...ternyata pampers-nya bocor juga... Pasti ni anak guling2 karena berasa kasurnya basah dan end up telentang di lantai. hehehehe kasian anak bunda bete berat ya....