Monday, August 09, 2010

Urusan perut

Managed to finished some pending from the list during the weekend, especially preparing the baby's room. Starting this today, we'll have few guys putting on the door, windows, and air cond. A lot is to be done, but at least now we're making some progress ^_^ 

But that's not the highlight of the past weekend. To me it would be lunch out at The Pancake Parlour, Margo City. We just visited them last week and I just had to return last sunday. Kalo kata orang Sunda mah kabungbuleungan sama pastanya yang yummy.....I have to say, so far, they had the best pasta, at least in Depok. 

Yes, their specialty is Pancake, and their Chocolate Sensation pancake is nice, but Pancious has good pancake as well and I can make better pancake based on recipe I got from (pede abisss). So, pancake is ok, not superb. The rest, is must try :) Untuk saat ini lagi cintaaa banget sama Pancake Parlour.

Next weekend harus coba savoury treat-nya nih...

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Beruntung sekali dengan adanya konsep "agile working" aliyas bisa "work from home (WFH)" or "anywhere as long as you are connected" . Lebih bagus lagi karena my current role doesn't require me to be at the office every working days. Jadi kalo pas perlu, aku bisa ambil jatah WFH itu hehehe...

Tapi, pagi ini lihat ada note yang lucu di office communicator-nya seorang colleague. It says: "9th: WFH but there will be no electric, so working will be interupted, will be available on the mobile"

Hehehe sekalian bilang aja mau magabut (makan gaji buta) hari itu.... berapa lama sih laptop bisa tahan dipake kerja mengandalkan batre doang :p Anyways....jadi pengen wfh :p