Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Breastfeeding Story

When I was pregnant with Gaizka, it came very natural that I wanted to breastfeed him. Being a baby girl who had only breast milk for 9months and continued to have it until 15months old, I was determined to give Gaizka at least 6months of exclusive breast milk. Early latch on was also what I wanted to have. But I was saddened when everything was not according to plan at the beginning.

Gaizka was born with perinatal asphyxia, difficulty of spontaneous breathing in a newborn, as his neck was strangled by his umbilical cord. His APGAR score at birth was only 5 out of perfect 10. My mom, who accompanied me at birthing room, said that everybody was very tense when Gaizka didn’t start to cry even when doctor started to spank (not just pat) him in his foot. Exhausted with delivery, I wasn’t fully aware of the criticality of that moment. Right after Gaizka cried (approx 3mins after birth), he was brought to NICU. Lucky me, it was only a mild asphyxia, no support needed at all, and he was all healthy and strong just 6 hours after the nerve-racking moment.

But once he was brought to NICU, I couldn’t get him out to stay in my room. He had to stay in NICU until it was time for him to head home (weird protocol huh… but I guess doctors thought of Gaizka‘s condition as prone to problem). In NICU, I could only see him twice a day (1 hour each time), which means very limited time available for me to start giving him my breast milk. As a result, on day3 when both of us returned home, Gaizka had started to build up appetite for milk, while my breasts weren’t producing enough. It was devastating… Gaizka cried as he was hungry, and I secretly shed tears because I wanted to give everything I possibly had (but still insufficient). I dread those early days. I really do!!!

Anyways, here I am, back at the office. The story of insufficient breast milk is behind and almost forgotten. Currently, I’m pumping my breast milk three times at the office, twice at home (early morning before work and afternoon after dinner), and still able to feed him from my breast after office hours. Gaizka is a happy three-month-old, weighing 6.5kgs (bit above average I know…) Thank God for that!!!

Just to share with whoever accidentally drops by at this page; what I do to improve and keep abundant supply of breast milk:
- No diet. I have three meals with snacks in between and currently still weigh 10kgs more than pre-pregnancy (haha….and my hubby thinks I’m sexier with full figure). Just fyi, quantity of the milk is influenced by the calories while quality is influenced by protein.
- Lotsa green veggies and water.
- Lotsa non-fried nuts (this helps to thicken your breast milk or increase amount of hidden milk, therefore makes baby feel full).
- Breast massage (hot & cold) twice a day.
- Positive thinking (this is sometimes difficult, especially for those experiencing baby blues. But strive!!! As it does help).
Though people says that success of breastfeeding is also determined by good latch on/position, etc, as long as you enjoy the process, it will be a wonderful time. Me, for example, I take pleasure in its ups and downs: the bonding and the engorgement; the baby’s content smile and the nipple crack. Just keep my fingers crossed for the next 3 months!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stupid Momma

What a FISHHHH.....!!!!!!!

Just delete one long posting of my return from maternity leave. Whoaaaa... And I was pouring my heart out just to loose it. Damn!!!! Shhh...shhhh...inhale..exhale...I'm trying to calm down now. But aaaarrggghhhh.....still a bit upset....hiks hiks......

Anyway, again, I'm writing that today's my first day back at the office after maternity leave. Now I have to share my schedule among Gaizka's loud cries, joyous smile, and wet nappies with paperworks and closing timetable. Fiuuuhhhh whatta tough one.

For the past three months my routine -besides nursing gaizka- was reading...trying to find as much information as I can on baby stuff. Being me....a girl who doesn't really fancy babies... I was very awkward with Gaizka. So, again, being me...a girl who studies and believe in what I've been told, I was exhilarated with what my books told me and thought that I could become baby whisperer for my Gaizka, by harnessing points learnt from those books.

To my surprise, nursing babies is unique and there's no such thing as exact theory. So there I was stumbling in awe and deep confusion of what to do. Now, after three months, I'm amazed that I'm still hangin on and keep my sanity haha.... Lots of stories, which I might share in the future. There are frights, joy, tears, smiles, anxiety. Basically there were utterly mixed feelings, which I don't want to exchange for anything in the world (though it has some bitter parts here and there).

Yes, I am a mother, stupid perhaps...but very proud of it :))

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The new guy in my life

Was born on October 28, 2007 he is the one who officially labelled me "mother"

I am still on maternity leave now, figuring out how tiny little creature like him marvelously grows. 1 month is all I've got before I have to go back to work. Not sure whether I can still concentrate doing paperwork while remembering his sweet smile and never ending coo. O well Gaizka Anantasena you're the new guy in my life.