Friday, January 26, 2007

My "Goong" Story

Indro: "Kamu itu udah tua masak nontonnya film Korea?"
Ira: "Tua?! Aku sama aktornya umurnya samaan kok...*&^%$#!!"

Ira: "Ntar aku pulang tenggo Pi, kan ada kencan sama Princes dari Princess Hour :p"
Pia: "Wah gawat kok jadi sakaw sama Princess Hour haha..."

Ehm... Beberapa hari terakhir ini aku emang "occupied" sama Film Goong, gara2 dikomporin Pia buat nyoba nonton DVD-nya. Begitu liat episode 1-nya, uhuhuuuu langsung jatuh hati aja gitu...(kayanya ni film tayang juga di Indosiar deh).

Pada dasarnya aku kan suka banget diboongin sama cerita2 fiktif gitu..apalagi kalo komedi romantis. Makanya film ini kaya oasis di padang pasir. Bikin merindiiiiinggg...terharu sendiri, ngakak sendiri...complete psycho pokoknya hahaha.

Ceritanya sih standar cerita Korea....berputar sekitar cinta bersegi2, dengan tokoh utama cowok Lee Shin yang kaku dan gak bisa mengekspresikan cintanya, trus Chae-gyeong tokoh cewek utama yang tipikal komik Jepang: gak terlalu cantik, lucu, semangat, bla bla bla..., selain itu ada Hyo-rin mantan ceweknya Lee Shin yang standar banget...cantik, dicintai abis sama Lee Shin tapi trus doi ninggalin cowoknya dan towards the end menyadari kalo dia mencintai Lee Shin dan desperately wants him back, tokoh utama terakhirnya (dan favoritku) adalah Lee Yul, second prince, sepupu Lee Shin yang jatuh hati sejak pandangan pertama sama Chae-gyeong, gentle, baik, dan selalu berusaha membahagiakan cewek pujaannya, just to find out that his hands are not meant to hold her, hiksss.....

Ehm...kenapa selalu gitu ya....Kenapa most of Korean movies, tokoh ceweknya bakal fall in love sama tokoh cowok yang sering bikin nangis? Kenapa sih Chae-gyeong gak bisa jatuh cinta aja sama Lee Yul? kan semuanya bakal lebih gampang... Bayangin bisa mendampingi orang yang memuja kamu. Ughhhh.....perfect love.... Kenapa Chae-gyeong malah lebih suka dwelling dalam airmata karena nungguin Lee Shin yang kelakuannya seringan bikin bete daripada bikin seneng?

Ughhhh aku sampe merinding lho ngeliatin Lee Yul memandangi Chae-gyeong sama Lee Shin pelukan dari kejauhan, gimana dia nyetir mobilnya pelan2 di belakang mobil Chae-gyeong out of kekuatiran waktu cewek jayus itu maksa buat nyetir sendiri sementara dia blom lancar2 amat nyetirnya. Hati juga ampe ngilu pas liat dia sambil nangis nanya sama ibunya gimana biar dia bisa menghentikan perasaannya karena dia merasa lelah dan tersakiti...bagaimana dengan putus asanya dia nanya ke Chae-gyeong apakah kalo setelah 2500juta tahun waktu mempertemukan mereka kembali dan Chae-gyeong bertemu Lee Yul lebih dulu, akankah Chae-gyeong mencintai dirinya...ughhhhh.....kenapa mesti kaya gitu sih?

Hehe jadi ingat...walopun aku bukan princess, aku pernah mengalami kondisi yang kurang lebih begitu...There were times ketika ada seseorang yang dengan tulus berdiri dan menunggu untukku, dengan bunga lili di tangannya, tapi aku memilih untuk menghalau doi pergi jauh2 dari kehidupanku...Mungkin itu salah satu perbedaannya. Aku engga sebaik Chae-gyeong yang masih bisa bersikap sangat baik ke Lee Yul. Dulu aku memilih untuk mencintai orang lain yang hatinya tertutup buatku. Cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan gitu ceritanya... Dia engga jahat kaya Lee Shin, dia engga kasar dan put me away in very obvious manner. Tapi "yes" I cried dan merasa tersakiti amat sangat waktu itu. Yang lebih parah, dia diam di hatiku untuk waktu yang cukup lama. Ehm...yang paling membedakan ceritaku sama Goong adalah ending-nya. Aku gak jadian sama idolaku tuh.... Tetep jadi sebuah cinta bersegi2 sempurna yang gak mempertemukan aku dengan si idola. Hahaha kaciaannnn deh lu....

Anyway, after quite a long while, sperti kata neneknya Lee Shin, "time will cure", akhirnya cerita kehidupannku membawa aku untuk jatuh cinta lagi bukan the Lee Shin type, bukan Lee Yul type, he's just himself, aihhhhh... (Indro...that's u...the guy...hehehe). And I guess I have quite a wonderful story in the end :p Ah...lucu nih gara2 liat film malah jadi inget jaman purba. Ini ditulis pure out of memory yang tiba2 bursting out gara2 liat Goong.

Trus, sekarang aku jadi nge-fans sama Kim Jung Hoon deh (pemerannya Lee Yul) cutie pie with a perfect baby face hehe. Apalagi setelah tau ternyata that guy has something more than just pretty face. Doi jago nyanyi dan pinter lho, ahhh sooooo my type!!! (jadi inget komentar Ririen pas aku bilang gitu: "tapi sayangnya elu bukan tipenya doi Ra") hehehehe.... namanya juga cuma nge-fans...boleh dong......Ntar sampe Indo mo beli DVDnya ahhh....Ehm abis ini gantian mo lanjut Ally McBeal lagee ah!!! Kami suka sih diboongin sama film2 hihihi....

ps: Ndro, dirimu harus liat Goong deh...bagus!!! kapan2 temenin aku nonton lagi ye....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

After a while

It's been a while, hehe... I guess "two weeks" is justifiable to call it a while, rite.... I've been through quite a lot. And these past weeks I'm loosing more patience than before. I seems that I can't wait for the time to go back to Indonesia. Maybe it's because I'm helping Ririen with her plan to return by end of this month. Her excitement has somehow influenced me. Ughhh how I wish I could join her.

Actually I had lots of interesting things to talk about: trip to Singapore zoo, Wuri's arrival, launch of CFRB II, and my plan for Chinese New Year but I want to use my half day leave just to sit back and relax. Gotta go back to work tommorrow, yuck...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Post Mortem

Fiuuhhh... Finally I can go online again.

Last week my modem was killing me. For whatever reason that I didn't know, I couldn't connect to Internet. The problem hit Pia (the girl who'll be staying with me for whole January) first. Just after I finished Skype-ing with Indro last Sunday, she wanted to check her Friendster page. It turned out that she couldn't get through. After more than an hour, she finally managed to open the Inet pages. I thought that was it, no more problemo for moi.

But then...what the heck!!! When I plugged my LAN cable in on Monday...nada...nothing appeared... No connection to Inet. I couldn't believe that!! Just minutes before that Pia was browsing. Shoot!!

Lucky, I was busy until yesterday. I couldn't be bothered by my Inet problem...until this morning hehehe. Tried to plugged in plugged out, restart the compie, check the Inet options in my Tools, I tried whatever things that I know... As Tech Idiot I was doing my best. Actually I don't know what I did that was right, but it's working now!! Hehe..yippie!!!

Don't care anyway....I'm going browsing now..bubye.. *wink..wink*

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Mama has gone home and I'm lonely...
Indro is a bit angry at me cuz I've neglected him for days...
All reports and Operations meeting due next week
I need to stop shopping
I want to be in Indonesia

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What's wrong with me ?!

I woke up this morning, second day in 2007, full of anxiety. Yup...year-end closing mate!! Yesterday I went to office for a while and found out I made wrong journal entries. One number mistakenly typed. So, I had to create reclass journal -quite last minute-, FISH!!!

Mama was a bit irritating since we woke up, ups!! hehe... She kept on looking to the HDB across our condo. She said the morning was too quiet because nobody was strolling in office attire and the parking lot @7.30 a.m should not be that full. Everybody should have left for office. I said those people might still be on leave.

Anyway, had good breakfast, good TV show to start the day. I left home @8.30 hoping to get to office around 9 a.m. I know I need to rush for my forecast and result analysis. Ugh...all these were freaking me out!! When I got to MRT station, unlike any other working days, I had to wait for the train for 7 mins. Grhhh...I was certain I will miss the 8.56 bus to office!! And...I was right!! I knew it!! So, I had to wait for the bus for another 10mins. By the time I press the bus' stop button, my watch was showing me 9.10 a.m. I was late, again. I hurriedly hop out and crossed the street. But waitttt... there's no car in the office's parking space and...what the FISH!!!!! The gate was locked!! Is it still holiday?

I asked the nightguard who had to open the gate for me. He said there were only 2 persons inside. Hmm...this has become so weird. When I got in, only few lights were on. I saw Joan sitting in her cubicle. So, it's her..nothing new. I asked her whether today is still holiday. Guess what...she said YES!! Bloated elephant!! Hwaaaaa start the year with such stupidity heh... so blunt, so silly...

But since I am already @ the office I will just do couple things then head home early. Half day would be good enough. I just thought I need to post this stupid thing first haha.... Happy new year folks. Enjoy ur holiday!!