Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cerita Si Ikan Sapu-Sapu

Ehm... dari beberapa waktu lalu udah maleeeesss banget nulis2 di blog. Abis kesempatan buat blogging cuma ada pas di kantor ato kalo kebeneran niat menyambangi *buseeeett* warnet. Jadinya cerita ini tertunda2 terus (weleh....kaya ada yang mo baca aja hehe).

Anyways, just like the picture my belly is now protruding (and keeps growing for the next 3 months or so). My navel is sadly doing exactly the same (hiks...hiks...) and other parts of my body seems to enlarge themselves happily (yaikkss). But I guess it's all fairly normal. What can you expect from a six-months-pregnant woman ^_^. Bottom line, I don't really care about what happen, as long as it does good to my lil' one haha...

Well, it seems that GTS's trip to Singapore last February was very fruitful. We are now expecting to cuddle our junior sometime around November (it's coming very soon). Am very excited and bit anxious as well... Especially bcoz I'm fully aware that I'll be facing the whole process by myself. Gatot will only be back in Indonesia by December (after his graduation ceremony)..hiks.... But dats okay. I'm so grateful that this cute lil' one has been very supportive of me (no morning sickie and other complains at all). And just like the mother: our junior is berry...berry strong!! During my early pregnancy, perhaps just few weeks after conception in Spore (or was it in Bangkok? errr not sure hehe), I brought this cutie for a tour in KL, then to office outbond in Penang, then packing up for Indonesia, of course I couldn't leave this cutie when I went to Kenya, and last week I went for another trip to Tegal and Cirebon. Gosssshhh don't you love to travel my cutie pie.....^_^

Well well...these last few months have been awesome... Been eating like hell (Gatot calls me Ikan Sapu2 now hehehe) Been looking @ scale which moves too damn fast (haha, thanks to yummy Indonesian foods!!), Been experiencing kicks and rolls in my tummy (keep rockin' junior!!), Been everything, but definitely no regret!! Actually too many things to tell, hope I can share another time. Bit detail perhaps or perhaps not...dunno. Just wish us well....^_^

Ehm... Good luck for Nurul, Ria and Del's wife who are also expecting babies. Hope everything goes well. And let's pray for Arief's wife to have baby soon. So we can all have children at the same age group and let them be friends like us, the parents haha....

Friday, July 27, 2007

Sendiri lagi

Yaaahhh pagi ini diriku sendiri lagi...

Setelah selama lebih dari 4 minggu belakangan bisa barengan sama mas jigrak, akhirnya harus 'berjuang' sendirian lagi. Gak papa deh...kali ini cuma harus nunggu 5 bulan aja. Semoga aja semuanya lancar, terutama thesis-nya mas (crossing my fingers and pray real hard for that), biar Desember nanti doski bisa pulang dengan senyum khasnya yang lebaaaarrrrrr.

Selamat berjuang di OZ ya mas.......

Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy Birthday...

Phewwww July always has long list of birthdays.

Somehow many of my friends and families were born this month.

So, a birthday shoutout goes to:

Juli, 2 July

Ria, 3 July

Sonny, 3 July

Timi Adhiputra, 4 July

Riko, 6 July

Liz Lee, 6 July

Wawan, 10 July

Nani Shera, 10 July

Yuli, 11 July

Mama, 13 July

Silvia, 22 July (it's early I know)

Sorry if I miss anybody...

Wishing all of you to be well, prosperous, and happy the whole year through, 'til the time comes for me to make another wish for you ^_^

And of course... a very happy birthday to myself as well. Be bigger, better, stronger!!! It's going to get tougher from today on haha....

For the brokenhearted

I know it's tough...
Nobody says it will be easy walking the road you choose

I know you know...
There will be trials and tribulations,

I also know you know...
They're only meant to make you stronger

So I won't preach you to hold on
I won't lecture you to hurrily stand up

Take your time...feel the pain... let it sip through to your blood
Memorize the torment... Taste the bitterness...

So that you stride and strive harder
Pull yourself together and never let the same thing happen to you ever again!!

This is the chapter where you can learn
So you better be learning!!
This is the chapter where you're required to be resilient
So you better be one!!

Anyways, there will be sunshine after the rain... (except if it's at night..then, you'll have to wait a little while ^_^)

pssst... I'll be there for you, just let me know if you need anything ^_^

Monday, July 02, 2007

Jangan Tuntut Aku untuk Memberimu Bunga

Beberapa waktu lalu aku habis ngobrol panjang lebar sama seorang teman cowok, sebut aja Agis. Obrolan yang menarik sekali buatku. Selama ini si Agis emang selalu dibilang engga romantis. Tapi yang mengagetkan, ternyata bukan cuma sama pasangannya aja yang bilang gitu, melainkan juga temen cowoknya. Bahkan temen cowoknya itu sampai memberikan advis men-detail tentang contoh2 romantisme yang bisa bikin "luluh" cewek. Agis...Agis...kasian deh lu ^_^

Tadinya sih aku udah mau ikutan ceramahin panjang lebar bahwa cewek itu juga butuh digombalin, butuh diboongin dengan kata2 surgawi. I almost said "setangkai bunga mawar will never do any harm"... tapi sebelum aku sempat ngomongin apa yang ada di benakku, dia udah ngomong duluan.

Kurang lebih inilah omongan doi:
"Habis apa gunanya bersikap romantis? dunia ini penuh dengan godaan. Sekarang ini cewek cantik itu buanyaaaakkk banget. Kalo seorang cowok mau, dia bisa tergelincir kapan saja. Aku pikir, cinta itu lebih baik dibuktikan dengan perbuatan dan let's see apakah dia sanggup menahan deraan badai. Tetap tegar walau saling jauh, tetap hangat walau banyak permasalahan. Itulah yang aku coba lakukan. Jangan tuntut aku untuk memberi pasanganku bunga, karena aku tidak tahu bagaimana melakukannya. Itu bukan caraku... Yang jelas, aku akan mencoba untuk selalu setia. Aku juga tidak tau sampai kapan aku bisa mencintai pasanganku, tapi aku akan terus berdoa supaya aku terus memiliki rasa cinta itu untuknya."

Ah Agis....aku jadi terdiam...rupanya itulah caramu untuk mencintai pasanganmu. Mungkin sedikit berbeda dari orang2 lain. Tapi aku rasa caramu juga manis... Well, semoga selalu seperti itu ya....