
Mari aku cek perbedaan yang terjadi setelah kurleb 2 tahun waktu berlalu. Well, 2 years ago (which means May 2007), I was just started gaining weight (till the point it reached 72kg, just before I gave birth :p), eating like pig (meaning 3meals plus 10am & 3pm breadtime plus plus...), sleepyhead all day, bottom line: mualesnya pol!! hehehe.
I guess people would also dread the way I looked back then with just 4 trousers + around 10 tops throughout my pregnancy (I can recall a girl at ITC Depok who remember me just because I always put on the same T shirt everytime I went to her shop, ^_^). Whoops don't underestimate the pimples that I had also mate kyahahaha....
Anyways, now that the bump had turned out to a gorgeous boy, I'm almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight (hihihihi senaaang walopun masi nyisa juga...1.5 tahun lho boo....), Semangat dandan has started to come (still on-off though). But... the worst part is SEMANGAT BELANJA... untuk yang satu ini nih...selalu menderu-deru. Always want to go out of the office during lunch so I can go windowshopping and nenteng2 tas belanja. Arrgghh I gotta stop somehow, before it starts killing my bank balance, yang sekarang ini udah nyeremin bangets...
ps: the pic i got from gettyimages made me smile, thinking how stupid I'd look drooling over fancy clothes...
The Old Days

It has been 1 month since my father passed away. Got a bit harder last week, because the family had come to realize that he really was gone for good (owell... for the time being, while we're still living our complicated human live anyways).
What I notice was that remembering him left me pondering events and places. Took my thought away to years back. Set me on my level 5 holiday mood hiks... Made me realize I've been missing some things from the old days. I miss...
Banjar, with batagor and rujak kedondong I used to buy when I was young, our memorable house with NKOTB posters all over my bedroom walls, train/bus rides to Magelang on school holidays (when my parents could save some money)...
Magelang, it's chilling breeze every morning, it's quiet street, my school's old building, my visits to Telkom just so I can talk to my parents back home, the thrill I had everytime I passed Potrobangsan or Kebonpolo or GKJ...
Bendungan Hilir, it's messy street which offers sooo many temptation to my tummy, how easy it was to go places (plangi was just few steps away, rite...)
Jurong East St.32, how lonely I was every weekend or how nice it was just to be all by myself sometimes, the need to cook no matter how tired I am cuz ta pau (take away in Cantonese) can sometimes be harmful to my pocket (qeqeqe...), tour d'shopping malls, "the stepford wives" kinda feeling when I look around almost everywhere (too neat, too organized), except for geylang of course...
owell I am simply in nostalgic mode kyahaha
Feeling blue
In my head singing:Rain...rain... go away, come again another day...Little ira, little ira, little ira want to playAm now feeling low... so low... I simply hate the jitters I got everytime my phone extension/mobex rang or even when new mail popped up. Worried that they came with questions with no answer I can give/ found out I did something wrong. I truly dread this....
Arrrghhh I've promised myself to be extra careful with allocation base, double check Dr/Cr sign o that YUFI journal template, and when summarizing the report... Dunno what will happen...
Btw, I cooked again last weekend. Made some coconut milk puddings for Gaizka, which turned out fab, and Mie Jawa for Gatot, which was somewhat okay :p But still... I wanna go shopping to release the tension. I wish I can...
Whoops almost 6PM now, another day flies...